Mounting Home Directories with SMB via LDAP

Forrest Beck forrest at
Fri Jan 24 14:22:07 PST 2003

I have a X Server and a couple 10.2 clients.  I have set up the clients
to authenticate via LDAP 3 to our Active Directory DC (Setup was based
off of Chuck Simciak Writeup  the
authentication process works.  But I cannot get the home directories to
mount.  I have tried two ways.  1) The client and server authenticate to
AD to mount the home directory (like suggested in Apple's Integrating
OSX with Active Directory)  and 2) The client authenticates to AD and
mounts a smb share on the same server. 
The later is what I really would want to happen, since my faculty
already have Home directories on the Windows Server.  
Does anyone out there know what to use when mounting a home directory
via SMB instead of AFP?
Currently my Mounts CN contains the following:
1> cn: Faculty:/Users; 
1> vfsdir: /Network/Servers; 
1> vfstype: url; 
2> vfsopts:
url==smb://;; net; 
User's contain the following:
 1> primaryGroupID: 513; 
 1> name: Forrest Beck; 
 1> sAMAccountName: fbeck;  
 1> userSharedFolderOther: /Network/Servers/faculty/Users/fbeck; 
 1> UniqueID: 1302; 
 1> MacHomeDirectory:
MacHomeDirectory is mapped to HomeDirectory..

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