[X Servers] Headless CoLo solution

John May jmaymailing at pointinspace.com
Thu May 22 14:17:26 PDT 2003

Dr. Bott's GHead product will fix em up for you:


Note that it doesn't work with nVidia or ATI Radeon ADC cards.

	- John

>Hash: SHA1
>I need headless monitor terminator adapters, does anyone know where 
>I can get them?
>The problem lies with quartz extreme apperantly which doesn't 
>activate certain portions of the UI when the card doesn't have a 
>monitor attached, so quartz extreme dies on startup and for us, ARD 
>and Timbuktu fail.
>- -----Original Message-----
>From: Mac OS X Servers [mailto:X-Servers at lists.themacintoshguy.com] 
>On Behalf Of Ben Jamieson
>Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 12:59 PM
>To: Mac OS X Servers
>Subject: [X Servers] Headless CoLo solution
>>  I also use ARD and have found the best way to get around the sluggish
>>  performance when you're on DSL is to use the black and white option,
>>  also full screen works a lot better on slower machines. In fact I've
>>  used it over dialup like this.
>I've been running a bunch of servers colocated in other country for 
>several years using good old Timbuktu... It's never let me down yet.
>Just my 0.002¢


John May : President                  <http://www.pointinspace.com>
Point In Space Internet Solutions             jmay at pointinspace.com
LPA Corporate Partner / FSA Associate                 ICQ: 35902494

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