I'm trying to integrate a lab of Macs and a lab of PCs using my Mac OS X Server and need some advice. Perhaps some of you with cross platform experience can point me to some readable tutorials (i.e. Written for Mac users with some Unix experience, not the other way around)? Here's what I envision: Upon presenting an ID and signing an acceptable use policy, the user is assigned (or allowed to create) a username and password. When they enter the lab, they sit at any idle PC or Mac and log in using this username and are allowed to use a few megabytes of network storage and some modest print quota. When they leave (after some idle time) the computer automatically logs them out and goes into "guest" mode, which has surfing and typing capabilities but no printing. After a semester, or a year, or whatever, their account expires and must be either re-enable with a new ID and policy document or deleted. So my questions are: 1. How do I disable printing in Guest mode on the Macs? 2. How do I set "use only these applications" on the PCs? 3. How do I get the Macs and PCs to authenticate against the server and propagate different privileges depending on whether the user is faculty, grad student, undergrad, etc.? 4. How do I automatically log off idle machines? 5. What's the cheapest and most reliable way to back up 100-150 GB of data on the server? I'm using Retrospect right now (which works, but I hate it) but the tape only handles 50-60 GB compressed. Eventually, I will want the lab monitor to be able to look at a web page and see at a glance who is logged in at each machine, how long they have been there, etc. I think I know how to do that part with rwho, cron, server side includes, etc. What I need is help getting started. Any pointers at all will be appreciated. Thanks, peter -- Peter C.S. Adams Administrator of Information Technology College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston "Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none." -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack