[X-Servers] Newbie with setup questions

Ken Schneider ken at schneider.net
Mon Oct 25 18:46:53 PDT 2004

I've been using regular OS X since its beginning but X Server sure is 
different.  I want to use it on my G4/500 as a web and FTP server.  
I'll probably have 20-30 FTP users (not simultaneously).  I figure I 
should set it up as a stand-alone server but do I enter the users in 
the Accounts pane of System Preferences or do I use the Workgroup 
Manager?  Since I have a Linksys router on my DSL line I assume I'll 
have to open up ports 21 and 80.  If possible I would like to use QSS 
and point a webcam out my window and be able to see what's going on 
24/7.  Would that use a different port or would I be accessing a web 
page to see it?

On the LAN side of the Linksys router I want to use the same computer 
as a print and file server and maybe share my iTunes library.  That 
shouldn't be a problem, right?


-= Ken =-

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