[X-Servers] Blue and white G3 and Panther upgrade

Steve Savery steve_s at mac.com
Thu Sep 30 03:06:55 PDT 2004

Good luck! We have kernel panics on some (but not all) of our G3 B&Ws 
and have had since upgrading to Panther (10.3.1 onwards). Seems that if 
you restart using the Terminal that there is no kernel panic, which is 
strange, say after doing a terminal software update. We just leave 
these problem G3s turned on now.


On Sep 30, 2004, at 7:01 am, Gen Hadlow Mac Impact Dbn wrote:

> Machine is a blue and white G3 300mhz with 256mb ram.
> Have upgraded to a 40gb hard drive and put in a Sony CD-Writer.
> Installed system 9.2.2 and installed Panther up to 10.3.3
> After installing 10.3.5 the machine has a serious kernel panic on 
> start up.
> Have had to start again - but only upgrading to 10.3.3
> There does not seem to be any outstanding firmware updates required 
> that I
> can tell - took it to a friend who has ADSL and hooked it up on the 
> network
> to check for software updates on both 9.2.2 and 10.3 there was no firm 
> ware
> upgrades besides some itunes & iPod updates.
> When I check on the firmware of the machine its Apple PowerMac 
> 1,11.1f4 boot
> Rom built on 04/09/00 @ 13.57.32 Open Firmware 3.1.1
> I have also swopped out the ram but that made no difference to the 
> problems.
> Is there any other issues that I should look into to fix this problem?
> Regards
> Gen

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