I ordered my first Xserve a few days ago and should have it in about a week, I hope. It will replace an older desktop G3 that's currently running Macjordomo to serve about 30 lists I manage (under OS 9.2.2). I'm planning to migrate the lists to Mailman on the new Xserve, of course. I have a few questions I haven't found answers to yet -- maybe I'll find them in the documentation for the new machine when it arrives, but thought I'd ask here awhile anyway so I can plan properly for time to move the lists. Are there tools included that will make it easier to move the lists to the new machine? I'm concerned about a couple of lists that have between 500 and 1000 subscribers; some are very active and I want to minimize any down time between moving from one machine to the other. Regarding archives ... I know Mailman can archive automatically; are the archives searchable? The only thing I've been able to determine so far is that they can be viewed by date, subject, thread, and author. I'm currently maintaining archives manually using Filemaker Pro 5.0 -- a tedious and slow process -- and I'm hoping I can drop that. Also -- is there a way to move old messages from either email or a Filemaker database into the new Mailman archives? Thanks for any help ... I appreciate it! Bob -- ====================================================================== Bob Bergey -- 215-527-1048 -- Perkasie, PA <mailto:bob at bergey.net> Internet Services for the Printing Industry <http://www.printweb.org/> Web Hosting & E-Mail Services: BERGEY.NET <http://www.bergey.net/> ======================================================================