[X-Servers] mail

James Bucanek subscriber at gloaming.com
Sat Oct 22 07:49:15 PDT 2005

jacob glazer wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2005:

>I am trying to figure out the following and I appreciate any help I  
>can get!
>==> turning off internet access on a few workstations, and instead  
>having the mail program get mail from xserve.
>The mail server, however, is external.
>It seems there must be a simple way to do this, but I can't figure it  

Define "turn off internet access". Did you turn off the network interface at the computer or just unplug the network connection?

In my mind, "turn off network" and "get mail" are mutually exclusive. All SMTP mail access requires an IP connection. Disable the IP connection and you can never get mail from anywhere.

You could set up some address specific firewall rules. See man ipfw. But trying to allow all local traffic (including SMTP, DHCP, Bonjour, printing, etc.) while blocking IP traffic from the Internet as a whole is a non-trivial task.
James Bucanek

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