netiquette, was [X-Unix]

Christoph Hammann chammann at
Sat Apr 24 08:30:31 PDT 2004

Am 23.04.2004 um 03:03 schrieb Richard:

> Is there a way, to do auto responding?
> via a Rule in the Apple Mail app. ( 3rd party app? )
> Going on Vacation, next week,
> and so there a couple of lists, I need to auto reply
> back, with a text message, saying out of the office,
> for 3 days..
> Anyone?


please do all listmembers the favor and *don't* install an 
autoresponder for a mailing list e-mail-adress. Anyone who posts 
something to these lists while you're on vacation will get a stupid 
bounce message from your auto responder. It is more courteous to 
unsubscribe from a list when you can't read it.

Christoph H.

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