Syslogd on panther

William H. Magill magill at
Wed Jan 28 15:45:03 PST 2004

Ok... what version of syslogd is Apple using under Panther?

Strings claim it is:
    8.2 (Berkeley) 11/16/93
but it is not even close to the version documented in the man page:

/usr/sbin/syslogd -?
usage: syslogd [-46Acdknosuv] [-a allowed_peer]
                [-b bind address] [-f config_file]
                [-l log_socket] [-m mark_interval]
                [-P pid_file] [-p log_socket]

It is launched with an undocumented flag "-s", and in general does not 
work "correctly" -- that is as I expect syslogd from previous versions 
(and other Unix).

One problem is that it generates errors if the log file does not 
pre-exist instead of opening the file.

William H. Magill
# Beige G3 - Rev A motherboard - 768 Meg
# Flat-panel iMac (2.1) 800MHz - Super Drive - 768 Meg
# PWS433a [Alpha 21164 Rev 7.2 (EV56)- 64 Meg]- Tru64 5.1a
# XP1000 - [Alpha EV6]
magill at
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