*BSD on x86 question

Warren Pollans warren at meyer-pollans.net
Thu Jan 8 09:27:37 PST 2004


I know this is not the opendarwin list, but wanted to ask my questions 
here first.

I have an old 400MHZ P2 box that I'm interested in putting back into 
service.  Currently I am very happy working on my 14" ibook (600 MHZ) 
but thought I'd like "play around" with darwin on the P2 box - so as 
not to accidently screw up my ibook  :-).  The opendarwin site lists 
7.0.1 and 6.6.2 x86 isos.  I'm an experienced linux user and am 
familiar with using the rpm system - it looks like "yum" is the rpm 

FINALLY THE QUESTION(s) - for those are using darwin on a x86 box

1.  What sort of desktop do you use - gnome or ???

2.  Any reason for NOT installing?

3.  Is there a "support group" for darwin on x86 folks who might 
need/offer help



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