[X-Unix] Monitoring file usage and emailing based on changes

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpalaciosp at eml.cc
Mon Mar 29 09:24:42 PST 2004

On Mar 29, 2004, at 10:29 AM, David Haines wrote:

> Thanks (!)
> The idea is to check for any changed files (new files or updated files)
> within any / all Ftp user folders (in this instance, perhaps 20-30). 
> And
> then send an email to one person (the Ftp server admin) based on the
> findings.
> Of course now I have problem testing the  -newerct flag/argument...
> The reply is find: illegal option -- n   and so on for each letter in
> "newerct"  ... I am sure it's and ID10T  error on my end

	This is typical find(1) behavior when you forget to provide a search 
path as a first argument. For instance:

$[juan at PowerBook: juan](360/0,0)-> find -type d
find: illegal option -- t
find: illegal option -- y
find: illegal option -- p
find: illegal option -- e
find: d: No such file or directory

	But if I provide a path:

$[juan at PowerBook: Guides](368/0,0)-> find . -type d

	Here the path is just the "." right after the command, meaning "search 
from here onward". Your command and path would most probably look 
something like:

find /<path-to-ftp-root>/<username/  -newerct '24 hours ago'

	Both segments enclosed inside the  < > must be replaced by the 
appropriate respective constructs, of course. On Mac OS X the -print 
instruction is hardly ever needed. Hope that helps,...


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