On 3/30/04 8:48 AM, Phillip Burk <philburk at mac.com> wrote: > DW allows you to copy data off of the drive using the "Preview" button. > ... Sometimes you'll get errors - in one > extreme situation I received both -37 and -43 errors (essentially, file > not found) on certain files. Those I had to recover from a > traditional backup. Phillip-- Yes, I've gotten a lot of -50 errors? Any idea what they are? Adding to the fun, I haven't been able to get the OK for purchase of an external HD yet, so I'm backing up piecemeal to jaz disks (ugh!). Any advice on which files are crucial and which can be ignored will be very helpful, needless to say. Thanks for your reply. Ethan The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and is intended solely for the use of the named addressee. Access, copying or re-use of the e-mail or any information contained therein by any other person is not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by returning the e-mail to the originator.(A)