Trying to get rid of unwanted files

Mark Gibson gibsonm at
Thu May 13 07:09:24 PDT 2004


I'm one of many suffering from OS 10.3.3's print server bloat problem 
(the /var/spool/cups/tmp directory files with 1000's of files and the 
print service chokes and fails).

I've written a cron task to clean out the /tmp folder but I'm trying 
to find a suitable Unix command to clean out the /cups folder, 
leaving the /tmp folder behind.

I want to end up with two tasks, one that cleans /tmp (deletes the 
contents) and one that removes everything from /cups except the /tmp 

Can anyone point this GUI user in the right direction (please keep it simple)?

Mark (}-:

AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

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