So I sent my output from 'ssh -v' to the list Friday but the results pushed the message up to 6k, which was first held by the moderator for large size, then rejected. "no reason given". In desperation I chatted with a UNIX Guru I've recently made a business acquaintance with. He told me a LOT of things about ssh ... but didn't solve the problem. Got me thinking in the right direction though and I realized it was - LINE FEEDS!!!! AAARRGGHH! On my originator machine I made my public ssh key, then did a 'more' of the file, highlighted the key and copy/pasted it into a vi window on my target machine, saving it as "authorized_keys". Everything LOOKED fine, especially as all my terminal windows are the same size that I like, but the line breaks were ENTIRELY OFF!! Authorized_keys never had my public key! I mounted my target machine via Appletalk and drag and dropped the file on my target machine naming it "authorized_keys". Works like a charm! Now some other things I'm doing can proceed and I've even realized some interesting things like ssh-ing to another machine without a password as another user, so it's certainly been revealing. Thanks all for your responses. -opa