At 00:34 -0400 25/4/05, ~flipper wrote: >Mark Gibson wrote: > >>Brian, >> >>This what I received following the above: >> >>By: gibsonm >>From: Home-Server >>Date: Monday, 25 April 2005, 13:50 >> >>Last login: Mon Apr 25 13:35:25 on ttyp1 >>Welcome to Darwin! >>Home-Server:~ gibsonm$ sudo rm >>Password: > >Did you drag and drop the icons of the items in trash to the >terminal window? It looks like you just typed sudo rm and hit return? > >>usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ... >> unlink file >>Home-Server:~ gibsonm$ /Volumes/Leviathan/.Trashes/501/HD\ 20Gb >>/Volumes/Leviathan/.Trashes/501/Alfred\ Hitchcock >>-bash: /Volumes/Leviathan/.Trashes/501/HD 20Gb: is a directory >>Home-Server:~ gibsonm$ >> >>-- > >so you have a kolder in the Trash, that's trickier, you have to use >rmdir instead of rm > >try: >type: >sudo rmdir -R (and then drag the folder from trash to the >terminal), and then hit return, it'll ask for your password, type it >in and hit return again. > >Brian Brian Yes I did drag the icons (as per the lower ahlf of the terminal response. This is what I got this time: >Last login: Mon Apr 25 14:46:23 on ttyp2 >Welcome to Darwin! >Home-Server:~ gibsonm$ sudo rmdir -R >/Volumes/Leviathan/.Trashes/501/Alfred\ Hitchcock >rmdir: illegal option -- R >usage: rmdir [-p] directory ... >Home-Server:~ gibsonm$ Looks like -R isn't a valid option. -- Regards, Mark (}-: +61 (0)4 1927 7198 Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1 Not one step has man taken toward the solution of the problem of his destiny. In one condemnation of folly stand the whole universe of men. -- RWE