[X-Unix] Using the CLI to delete "pesky" files/folders

Mark Gibson gibsonm at bigpond.net.au
Mon Apr 25 14:55:58 PDT 2005

At 08:12 -0400 25/4/05, PoolMouse wrote:
>~flipper <lord.flipper at gmail.com>:
>>why all the chflags stuff????
>>Just open the terminal. type sudo rm -r  (type <space> after the -r).
>>drag and drop the files/folders to the terminal window, let em go,
>>and hit return
>>type the password, when requested, hit return. Done.
>>this isn't rocket science.
>>Brian S
>read previous posts...it's been tried. :) something's broken. if 
>this happened to me, i'd rebuild the box.


Yes I thought about that, especially as its an external volume. 
Problem is its a Big volume.

Its a 1Tb drive with a 650Gb odd Retrospect backup set on it (from 
the home network) and formatting the drive isn't an option (don't 
have another lying around to copy the files off and store whilst I 
format the offending drive).


Mark (}-:
+61 (0)4 1927 7198
Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

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