[X-Unix] Setting up an SFTP server? Or possibly an SSH option?

Rad Craig rad at inductionconcepts.com
Tue Aug 30 06:39:21 PDT 2005

On Aug 30, 2005, at 2:18 AM, Sharninder wrote:

>> And after you could use rsync to just update the file who have  
>> been modified
>> and even better duplicate the file you got by sftp (Monday,  
>> Tuesday...) and
>> create a cron for each day
>> (make some test before)
>> ssh user at yourserverIP
>> sudo -s
>> rsync -e ssh -avz --stats --progress --delete
>> user at yourserverIP:/Applications/webserver/ /Applications/webserver/
>> (last command on one line)
> Hmmm ... Now that I think of it, Rad, rsync is probably the better
> option. I didn't know you were going over quota too.

I run a MySQL database on my webhost.  What is the best way to get  
that included if I use rsync, to ensure that the database is always  
properly backed up?


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