[X-Unix] Ethereal - must run sudo?

Jeff Winchester jeffw at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Jun 4 10:33:26 PDT 2005

I've recently installed Ethereal to run under X for network TCP  
dumps. I've noticed, though, that I have to run it with sudo (sudo / 
sw/bin/ethereal) in order to have permissions to /dev/en0 and /dev/ 
en1 for the trace.

Short of doling this, is there simpler (and safer!) way?

I notice the following on /dev/bfp0 (which seems to be en0):

     crw-------   1 root  wheel   23,   0 Jun  4 08:27 /dev/bpf0

Only root and wheel. My daily user isn't a member of wheel. Any  
thoughts? I hesitate to add my user to wheel, because I really want  
to keep with the "minimal rights" idea. I guess I could give  
permissions to "others" (i.e., chmod u+??), but I'm not sure. Ideas?


Jeff Winchester
jeffw at tampabay.rr.com

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