Why that strict? The other option is to sell the OS cheaply with their own hardware and expensively for other hardware. (Reasonning that they must make money on unbundled software, both for development and, more ever, for support). Or you just get two kinds of support contracts: for Apple hardware (reasonable price) and for non-Apple hardware (high price). - Robert On 8 Jun 2005, at 19:59, x-unix-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com wrote: > It might involve DRM, but all they really need to do two simple things > > 1) Insert a clause in the license that prohibits you from running OS > X on non-Apple hardware > 2) Refuse to support OS X on non-Apple hardware > > Even if it runs perfectly and costs half as much, these provisions > will prevent almost all serious buyers from considering the clone > option. Corporate IT will not want to run afoul of licensing issues, > and most professional users insist on support. > Departement Informatik FGB tel +41 (0)61 267 14 66 Universität Basel fax. +41 (0)61 267 14 61 Robert Frank Klingelbergstrasse 50 Robert.Frank at unibas.ch CH-4056 Basel Switzerland http://www.informatik.unibas.ch/personen/frank_r.html