[X-Unix] Cron problem

Norman Cohen nacohen at mac.com
Wed Jun 22 23:37:08 PDT 2005

Eugene is, of course, correct. I was typing on a blackberry and  
thought that the quickest approach to solving the OP's question was  
to suggest the full path to the date command solution, rather than  
trying to explain setting the PATH variable. Sorry for the incomplete  

Norman A. Cohen
nacohen at mac.com

"Never give a party if you will be the most interesting person there."
Mickey Friedman

On Jun 22, 2005, at 4:21 PM, Eugene wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 05:23:29PM CDT, Norman Cohen  
> <nacohen at mac.com> wrote:
> :
> : 2 points. With cron you need the full path to the date
> : function. Type "which date" in the terminal to get the path.
> Actually, crontabs let you set the environment, so you can add
> other directories to PATH.
> : Second, I'd suggest formatting the date string to not include
> : the colon character. In applescript, this is the default
> : symbol for separating directories and files in partial or full
> : paths, just as the / character is used in unix.
> Or just go with a pure numeric value like a Unix timestamp.
> -- 
> Eugene
> http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
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