On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Kuestner, Bjoern wrote: > Kevin, that's good to hear. > > Still, Apple Mail seems to have some issues. A standard Google search > turns them up. Oh, I'm sure - though you'll probably see "issues" with any server/client combination. > Interesting, this one suggests that maybe the Courier-Mail combo is the > culprit. > > http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story=20050310002903926 > > You say you used Pine. Well, I use pine (the IMAP server that comes with it, actually) because of prior experience, and because it stores the files in a standard mbox format. I'm not sure if Courier offers that option now, but it didn't at the time. You were speaking about concern over mail loss - that's how I feel about keeping mail in a database format. I want it in nice standard mbox text that I can back up and be confident of recovery. > Nonetheless things seemed to be working for the most part. Just some weird > behavior in Mail that left me feeling I was putting my data at risk. So I > got out of the game. > > I'll probably try again with Tiger. That's fine, just reporting my experience. FWIW, with an IMAP server and mbox storage, I actually feel MORE confident about my data integrity. It's all in one place, not scattered around on different clients, and can be backed up easily. KeS PS - you mention in a later post some of the issues you have with Mail. I had forgotten, but I do have a search problem with Mail/IMAP. I can't search on the entire message body. I suspect this is because I don't cache the messages locally (which is an option). It's not a big deal for me because I usually search by subject or author, but it is a limitation of Mail/IMAP.