On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 10:47:50PM -0500, Timothy Luoma <lists at tntluoma.com> wrote: : : On Mar 23, 2005, at 8:33 PM, David Haines wrote: : : >I've had success batch-renaming files named according to standard : >practice: : > : >filename.gif : > : >for example. : > : >I'm faced with a large number of files named: : >filename.w01.tif : > : >filenmae.w07.tif : > : >etc. : > : >and need to be able to strip all of them of : .tif : > : >This is certainly beyond my limited-but-slowly-growing shell-scripting : >abilities. : : First of all, you ought to have Fink and/or DarwinPorts installed, and : then you can install GNU Coreutils easily. Using DP it's a simple [...] "basename" is already installed if you have the BSD subsystem package installed as well. So no need to install additional packages. : Once you have coreutils, you'll find you have a whole lot of useful : utilities such as 'basename' which would make this dirt simple : : : #!/bin/sh : : for FILENAME in *.tif : do : : short=`basename $FILENAME .tif` : : mv -iv "$FILENAME" "$short" : : done : : # eof Or compress it into a single command line: $ for a in *.tif; do mv "$a" "`basename "$a" .tif`" -- Eugene http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/