On May 1, 2005, at 2:36 PM, William H. Magill wrote: > Software Update downloaded a new version of Quicktime - V7 - not an > "update" and eliminated my Quick Time Pro Registration! > > That was E X T R E M E L Y nasty. > > No warnings that my current registration would be wiped, let alone > that one would be required to purchase a new one. ... things just > stopped working!!! > It took a bit of sluthing to discover that the Pro Registration had > been wiped. > > While I don't begrudge Apple's charging for a new version. The fact > that neither the old "order confirmation" implied that it was version > specific, nor the fact that the download happened without any kind of > warning about needing a new license, says much for "customer service." If you are not ready to purchase QuickTime Pro V7, you can downgrade to 6.5.2 and get your old QuickTime Pro back: <http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/ quicktime652reinstallerformac.html> -- Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com