[X-Unix] Beginner Questions: Setting up access to localhost for testing only.

Jakob Peterhänsel jakob at hjemme.dk
Thu May 12 14:18:15 PDT 2005


1: Personally, I use /Library/WebServer/ as it gives shorter URL's  
and I like that...  ;-)

2: Well, it's already very secure, so there should be no issues here,  
unless you wanna Open something.
Basically, your not running a server - really - you're running a  
local development environment. Make backups when needed, but it's not  
like you're open for attacks for real, so it should be fine... If you  
connect to a place with a public IP, you will be out in the open, but  
you're still very safe unless you're PHP documents contain nasty code!

3 + 4 is already answered .. ;-)

Personally, I like to create enties that broadcast the development  
sites via Bonjour (Rendezvous). Look in the buttom on /etc/httpd/ 
In the <IfModule mod_bonjour.c> area, add enties like this:

     RegisterResource "MyServerShortcutName" /path/to/folder/

"/path/to/folder/" is from the WebServer root, alias the full path  
would be: /Library/WebServer/Documents/path/to/folder/

Stop-Start websharing and it shows up..

Hope it helps

     Jakob Peterhänsel

"Tell me why, don't we try, not to break our hearts
   and make it so hard for our selfs"
P.S.B. 1987

Email:     jakob at hjemme.dk
AIM:         Marook
Phone:     +45 22684961

On 12/05/2005, at 21:07, dm87 at proparallax.com wrote:

> What I want to do: I want to test php modules on my iBook, before  
> implementing them on my rented web server.  I am just learning the  
> unix/apache/mysql/php end of things.
> Tools that I use:
> text editor: TextWrangler
> WSYWIG web editor: Dreamweaver MX
> OS: Panther 10.3.9 (original versions of apache, mysql and php)
> My Questions:
> 1)  I originally setup phpMyAdmin in Library/WebServer, would it be  
> better to install all this stuff in ~username/Sites/?
> 2)  Is there a recommended resource that would help guide me  
> through basic security issues involved in administering a server on  
> my iBook?
> 3)  Is there a tutorial on how to create an .htaccess file on panther?
> 4)  Is it a good idea to use http://www.apache.org/ as a resource  
> for information while working on the mac?
> Thanks
> Donna dm87
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