Hi John, Well for some reason, after doing this, still when I double click on this, all I get is which application would you like to open this with? What I want to do, is to have a double clickable script, that I can add to my dock, and just click once a day to run the spamreport script(file). Yes, this would have to be run threw the terminal window... Thanks - Richard John Harrold, jmh17 at pitt.edu, Sunday, May 15, 2005 >| >| Instead of typing this in: >| cat Library/Logs/mailfilter.log | grep "Deleted" | sed >"s/.*Deleted.*\[Applied >| filter: '//g" | sed "s/' to '.*//g" | sort | uniq -c | grep -v " 1" >| sort -r >| >| Want to make a execuitable file, >| so that I can just double click and it would open terminal window >| and run the line command. >| >| I want to call the file, spamreport > >Put the command in a file. You might want to add sleep at the end so you >can see the output: > ><spamreport> > cat Library/Logs/mailfilter.log | grep "Deleted" | sed >"s/.*Deleted.*\[Applied filter: '//g" | sed "s/' to '.*//g" | sort | >uniq -c | grep -v " 1" | sort -r > sleep 3 ></spamreport> > >Then make the file executable by typing: > >chmod 755 spamreport >