[X-Unix] exe files

Eric F Crist ecrist at secure-computing.net
Sun May 15 11:00:49 PDT 2005

On May 15, 2005, at 12:50 PM, Eric F Crist wrote:
> Richard,
> You need to name your "exe" with an ending of ".command".  This 
> extension is what Aqua looks for to know to run a file as a shell 
> script.  You also, of course, need +x permissions set.  You can easily 
> accomplish this with: # chmod a+x /path/to/file/filename.
> Also note that shell scripting really requires the addition of the 
> environment line at the head.  This is usually:
> #!/bin/sh
> There are many command differences between the various shells out 
> there.  Adding this line will tell the system what shell to use when 
> executing your script.  Setting and reading environment variables' 
> differences is most notable between csh and bash.
> That's my two cents' worth.

Sorry to reply to myself, but you can find more information on shell 
scripts and how to 'pretty' them up at this link, which I found on 


Eric F Crist                  "I am so smart, S.M.R.T!"
Secure Computing Networks              -Homer J Simpson

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