[X-Unix]from tcsh to bash

Dan Frakes lists at frakes.org
Thu May 19 19:11:41 PDT 2005

On 5/19/2005 7:02 PM, "William H. Magill" wrote:
>>> So, what's the trivial method of adding the subsytem to Spotlight?
>> There are a couple ways. If you want to include a folder such as / usr/bin in
>> a "Finder window" search (i.e., what has replaced the Find dialog  in Tiger),
>> you just use the "Others" button and add the desired directory (e.g.,
>> /usr/bin) to the list of places to search.
> That's about as obscure as you can get ... You're saying that the  Finder
> Search matches the Spotlight search? [And the only way you can get the  Finder
> Search window to show up is to use cmd-f, there is no pulldown associated with
> the  finder search window any longer.]

Command+F, File -> Find, or just start typing a search query in the Search
field of any Finder window -- as soon as you start typing, the Finder window
changes to a Search window, complete with query options.

> ... then why is, in my case, the System folder selected for Finder  Searches,
> but nothing shows up which I know to be there, in  Spotlight? [search for
> "frameworks" as an example. It finds the  directory in /library but not the
> one in /system/library]

No, the two are indeed separate. Sorry if I wasn't clear -- the above
procedure lets you search system-level directories via Finder window
searches. The mdimport -f command adds directories to the general Spotlight
index (which is accessed via the menu bar Spotlight search).

>> <http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2005050222125145>
> Has MacOSX hints buggered their website, or did 10.4.1 (or 10.4.0)
> bugger Safari?
> That hint refuses to display in less than about a 17 inch wide
> screen. It doesn't matter how wide I resize my Safari window, (15
> inch screen) there is still a scroll bar across the bottom.

It's because there's an unbroken line (<code></code>) on the page -- the
browser will render it as a single line, no matter how wide that will make
the page ;-)

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