[X-Unix] Spotlight -- was from tcsh to bash

William H. Magill magill at mcgillsociety.org
Sat May 21 15:00:31 PDT 2005

On 20 May, 2005, at 02:48, Dan Frakes wrote:
>> An implicit boolean AND when parentheses are used, or a command key
>> to initiate search-for-phrase, maybe command-Shift for exact words,
>> etc.
> *This* is in my opinion the biggest problem with Spotlight right  
> now -- no
> easy way to do booleans. The code you need to use in the Spotlight  
> bar to do
> a boolean search is insane ;-)s

I thought I had read that Spotlight defaults to "or" for all search  
and that one needed to use "AND" (in caps) to get the and function, with
Parens ()  or quotes "" for groupings.

But I can't find that reference now.

The "application" syntax to call Spotlight IS arcane.

But the truth is, Apple simply does not understand the concept of  

Try their "Advanced Search" option on apple.com/support -- search for  
and select "english" for the language... and you get pages from every  
which Apple supports, not just those written in English.

Hmmm.... just noticed an interesting feature for Server - using  
Spotlight to search your
web pages:

Hmmm #2 ... I found a reference to searching email via Spotlight  
which outlines the
and/or/not/parens rules ...
"Use the words "and," "or," "not," and parentheses to refine your  

"cat and dog" finds email containing both "cat" and "dog"

"cat or dog" finds email containing either "cat" or "dog"

"cat not dog" finds email containing "cat" but not "dog"

"cat and (dog or newt)" finds email containing both "cat" and "dog"  
and email containing both "cat" and "newt"


One wonders if those rules apply to Spotlight in general, or just to  
the Mail.app interface?

William H. Magill
# Beige G3 [Rev A motherboard - 300 MHz 768 Meg] OS X 10.2.8
# Flat-panel iMac (2.1) [800MHz - Super Drive - 768 Meg] OS X 10.3.8
# PWS433a [Alpha 21164 Rev 7.2 (EV56)- 64 Meg] Tru64 5.1a
# XP1000  [Alpha 21264-3 (EV6) - 256 meg] FreeBSD 5.3
# XP1000  [Alpha 21264-A (EV 6.7) - 384 meg] FreeBSD 5.3
magill at mcgillsociety.org
magill at acm.org
magill at mac.com
whmagill at gmail.com

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