On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 08:20:20PM CDT, David Gilden <dowda at coraconnection.com> wrote: : : what is '[' : : I see when I do a listing -- see below..... : : (inside Panther....) : : My-Computer:/bin localUser$ ls : [ date expr mv rmdir test : bash dd hostname pax sh zsh : cat df kill ps sleep zsh-4.1.1 : chmod domainname ln pwd stty : cp echo ls rcp sync : csh ed mkdir rm tcsh : ---- : : Is this '[' garbage that I can RM? '[' is a real command. It is official shorthand for the "test" command. It exists on just about all Unix systems. Delete it not, lest you invite almost certain doom upon yourself. : also I see two listing for zsh, what is the difference. Real difference there is not, but leave it alone all the same. -- Eugene http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/