I have an Applescript which is cron'ed to run every day and copy files to my flash-disk MP3 player which has a Windows FAT file system. Sometimes, this flash disk gets corrupted, and when it does, the Finder hangs while copying files. I see a dialog which says, for example: Copying 139 items to "Today's Files" Item: "23.AG.05.MP3" Copied: 28.6 MB of 112.3 MB Time remaining: About 4 minutes The progress bar in this window is stopped, and it will stay that way forever. To try and keep this topic narrow, I'd like to ignore that larger issue for now and ask if anyone can help me with this: This dialog has a "Stop" button on it. When I click it, it flashes but nothing happens. The close box is grayed out. Force-quit/relaunch does not work. If I to Terminal and "ps -alx | grep Finder", I see that the (Finder) has status E, which means "The process is trying to exit". But it will not go away even if I try to help it with "kill -6", or "kill -9". Other applications can be launched and generallly work OK. But, of course, with this process running, I cannot log out either, so the only way to get my Finder back is to force restart. I plan to report this bug to Apple, but since that is a rather involved process, can anyone here give me a quick hint?