[X-Unix] Bash scripting Question - (off-list), slightly OT

Russell McGaha RussellMcGaha at hughes.net
Thu Aug 24 03:06:56 PDT 2006

	No, not really.  Because the DB is graphics heavy, it is a REAL PAIN  
to use over a remote connection; so I : close the DB's, sync my local  
copy, make changes, then sync those changes back to the server.


On Aug 23, 2006, at 9:01 PM, David Haines wrote:

>> Replying to David, Lasse, Stroller, and others;
>> 	Guys [and/or Gals], THANKS for the tips and assistance.  With  
>> your help, I've got a working version; which I'll paste at the  
>> bottom of this message. Some of you had some questions which I'll  
>> try to answer:
>> 	'fmsadmin list clients' does return an empty string if no clients  
>> are connected
>> 		Yes this is part of FileMaker Server 7
>> 	'fmsadmin' does not SEEM to return proper exit codes
>> The following code may be copied/used:
>> 	if in it's entirety; if proper attribution is given
>> 	if partially/modified: freely
>> Explanation:
>> 	It sends a message to all connected clients that it's going to  
>> shut the server down, then waits for either; all clients to  
>> disconnect or 3 minutes, giving an additional warning at 2  
>> minutes, and then CLOSES all databases.
>> 	A companion script re-opens the databases after I've finished  
>> updating the databases via rsync from a remote location.
> <snip>
> Thanks for sharing :)
> Now getting off-topic for the OS X-Unix mailing list, but I have to  
> ask: is this to safely backup FM dbs ? Close them before backing  
> up ? FM 7 does have built-in backups that can be scheduled. Since  
> it handles (in theory) potential r/w/locking contention(s), you  
> could then take the backups it makes and rsync them or what-have-you.

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