Setting mailing list options (was: [X-Unix] "open" command syntax?)

Aaron macuser at
Sat Jan 14 15:34:56 PST 2006

Been there, done that -- several times, to no avail!

Here are my choices for what I believe to be the relevant settings:

Receive your own posts to the list?
Ordinarily, you will get a copy of every message you post to the list. If you don't want to receive this copy, set this option to No.

Avoid duplicate copies of messages?
When you are listed explicitly in the To: or Cc: headers of a list message, you can opt to not receive another copy from the mailing list. Select Yes to avoid receiving copies from the mailing list; select No to receive copies.

I'm on several lists on this listserver and I have the same problem on all of them. I don't get copies of my own posts. Nor, as far as I can tell from my archives, do I get copies of posts that have been Cc'd to me.

Can somebody tell me what's going on? Does anybody get copies of their own posts to the list sent from the list?

 - Aaron

>Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 14:19:11 -0600
>From: Eugene <list-themacintoshguy at>
>To: x-unix at
>Subject: Re: [X-Unix] "open" command syntax?
>On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 12:20:46AM CST, Aaron <macuser at> wrote:
>: If anybody knows how I can set my preferences for this and
>: other macintoshguy lists so that I receive ALL the emails from
>: the list, including my own posts, please tell me!
>:  - aaron
>Go to the link listed in the text blurb appended to your post:
>	<>
>Then go to the bottom of the page to the section labeled
>"Unsubscribing and List options X-Unix".
>Type in your email address you are using for this list and
>submit it.
>After authentication, you will be sent to a page where you
>can adjust your subscription options, including receiving
>a copy of every email you send to the list.

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