[X-Unix] open-x11

Adrian Simmons adrinux at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 03:28:46 PST 2006

Christina Huggins wrote:
> /opt/local/bin/gimp
Is that where gimp is? Usually Fink installs things in /sw, although you may 
have darwinports installed and have gimp installed with that?

> (Note that I can open gimp fine through an x terminal like aterm.)  Does 
> anyone have a clue as to what might be going on?
The usual advice is to edit your bash profile (assuming you're using Tiger 
and the default shell), which can be found at ~/.profile and add the 
following (assuming you have both fink and darwinports installed):

# set up the path for fink and darwinports
if [ -f /sw/bin/init.sh ]
     . /sw/bin/init.sh

if [ -f /opt/local/bin/port ]
     append_path PATH /opt/local/bin
     append_path MANPATH /opt/local/share/man

And this to make X11 apps launch from terminal, set the display:

[[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && export DISPLAY=':0.0'


adrinux (aka Adrian Simmons) <http://adrinux.perlucida.com>
e-mail <mailto:adrinux at gmail.com>

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