[X-Unix] Postfix and proxies

John Harrold john.m.harrold at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 17:13:24 PDT 2007

| Why are you using a proxy at all?  Does the university block outside  
| mail traffic and/or intercept it?  If so, I'd do one of the following:

I think this should answer the 'why' question:

| >My delima is that my ISP (which is NUS) has been flagged as a spam
| >source (the entire university goes through a single ip address on the
| >internet).  Because my email is routed through a known spam source, it's
| >getting rejected by some hosts.

So I need the email to originate somewhere else. If I can get it to use the
socks proxy, then that would sovle my problem.
| 1) Have someone set up a mail server for you, and possibly an SSH  
| tunnel to send your email.

Are you volunteering to do this? Otherwise, this option isnt really available.
If you can tell me how to use postfix to send email over an ssh tunnel, I'm all
ears -- that's what I want to do.

| 2) Use GMail's web interface

This works great for one or two emails. However, during the day, the
internet is not fast enough to use the web interface reliably -- I'm living
in a developing country and the entire University essentially shares a DSL

| 3) Have users on the other end white-list your email address.

I've tried this unsuccessfully. 

| If they're *not* blocking outgoing mail traffic (or intercepting it),  
| just send your email directly to GMail and forget about the proxy.

The email still originates from a kown spam source, which is in the
headers, even though it _is_ going through gmail. Check my mail header, it
should say something like:

        Received: from absent.grok.tv ( [])
        by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id f42sm6622337rvb.2007.
        (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=OTHER);
        Fri, 20 Jul 2007 16:05:11 -0700 (PDT)

I should stress the point that I'm working/living in a developing country so
solutions that do not involve others are more likely to be implemented and
work. For example I've tried to get the network admins here to get us off the
spam list, I've tried to get white listed by some of the people recieving my
emails,e tc. So back to my original quesiton. Is there anyone out there who
can tell me how do one of the following: 

>  o configure postfix to route all traffic through a socks 5 proxy                                   
>  o create some sort of jailed environment that can achieve the same effect 

                            | /"\                         
 john harrold               | \ / ASCII ribbon campaign   
 john.m.harrold _at_ gmail  |  X  against HTML mail       
                            | / \                         
  gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key B23241CB

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