Robar Philip wrote: > > lc(1) is an ls(1) like command which sorts by file type. (MKS Software > ships a version with their UNIX toolkit.) I used to have the source > for a free version can't find it now and I was unable to find it via > Google. Does anyone out there have a pointer? > > Thanks > Phil Not an immediate answer to your question but GNU ls (available through macports or fink) has this sort option: --sort=WORD extension -X, none -U, size -S, time -t, version -v, status -c, time -t, atime -u, access -u, use -u So, technically, you could use `ls -X` to accomplish that. You could alias lc to ls -laX to obtain roughly the same behaviour... Hope this helps! -- Alexandre Gauthier Network Analyst / Analyste Reseau Services Informatiques