I understand what you're saying, but SHOW ME THE MATH that proves it, cause I can't make it work. du says 2341624 1k blocks. 2341624 / 1024 / 1000 = 2.2867421875. Close enough to 2.2G for me. quota says 1040588 / 1024 / 1000 = 1.01619921875. Not even close! If we use 1000 instead of 1024, then it comes to 1.040588 vs 2.341624. THEY CAN'T BOTH BE RIGHT, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY'RE USING 1024 OR 1000. Sorry, coming in late. Has anyone pointed out yet that du, by default, prints usage in 512-byte blocks? You are doing "du -k", aren't you? Craig