[X-Unix] Locations of Entourage User Data?

Glen McKnight glenmcknight at mac.com
Fri May 29 04:35:03 PDT 2009

On 17 May 2009, at 21:42, Ethan Rips wrote:

> Hello--
> For some bizarre reason, all of my user data in Entourage has been  
> wiped out
> repeatedly in recent months. I don't know the names or locations of  
> the
> files containing my Entourage user data, e-mail lists, calendar  
> data, etc.,
> so restoring the stuff is a ridiculous pain in the ass. Even with  
> backups, I
> still lose all my groups, categories & calendar data.
> Can anyone tell me which files to back up & where to find them?
> Here are the details:
> Mac OS X 10.3.9
> Entourage 11.4.0
> PowerMac G4 800 MHz
> 2 SATA HDs (RAID setup using SoftRAID 3.5.6)
> Thanks.
> Ethan

Hi Ethan

All your MS data is stored in your Documents folder in a folder called  
'Microsoft User Data', in there you will find a folder called  
something like 'Office xxxx Identities', and there will be 'Main  
Identity', this is where your Entourage data is stored.

Have Fun


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