[X-Unix] A (seemingly) simple question...

William H. Magill magill at mcgillsociety.org
Fri May 27 14:12:44 PDT 2011

On May 26, 2011, at 7:31 PM, John Baltutis wrote:

> On 5/25/11, Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE> wrote:
>> Am 25.05.2011 um 21:00 schrieb William H. Magill:
>>> Where is the "console log" file now?
>> Inside a database. You'll see that when you open the drawer: position the
>> cursor
>> near the left edge of the Console window, press the button, drag to the right.
> Not in Snow Leopard. The console.log's been rolled up into the All Messges,
> Console Messages, and system.log files.

Now I'm really confused... 

The "/private/var/log/system.log" files  do not contain "all messages" -- 
however, they do contain "console messages." 
"syslog -C" does display the console log messages from system.log files
which match those in the "Console Messages" of console.app.

However, using console.app, there are messages in "All Messages" which do not appear
in either "Console Messages" or in /private/var/log/system.log

(I'm using Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac and it does a periodic update which makes
entries in "All Messages" but not in the other files. For what it's worth, those 
particular messages which only appear in "all messages" are tagged
"installer[xxxxx]. The Sophos package is "re-installing" itself with the updated
virus database.)

I don't doubt that these are all likely in the "asl" files ... mainly because I haven't yet
had the time to sort out how to query them.
         /private/var/log/asl/ ....

The reason I'm hunting all this is that I want a "reasonable" way to extract information
from these log files WHICH WILL RETAIN ITS FORMATTING.  Cut and paste from 
console.app works, but I have not yet found an interim destination which will maintain
the formatting, which I can then use to paste into, typically, a "lithium" based web site
for bug reporting purposes. The formatting issue is, I assume, the classic - nl vs cr/lf -
but I haven't had the time to track it all down. 

William H. Magill
# iMac6,1 Core 2 Duo [2.16GHz - 3 GB 667] OS X 10.6.7
# MacBook Pro4.1 Core 2 Duo [2.5GHz - 4GB 667] OS X 10.6.7
# Mac mini Core Duo [1.66 Ghz - 2 GB 667]OS X 10.6.7
# Flat-panel iMac (2.1) [800MHz - Super Drive - 768 Meg] OS X 10.4.11 
# PWS433a [Alpha 21164 Rev 7.2 (EV56)- 64 Meg] Tru64 5.1a 
# XP1000 [Alpha 21264-3 (EV6) - 256 meg] FreeBSD 5.3
# XP1000 [Alpha 21264-A (EV6-7) - 256 meg] FreeBSD 5.3
magill at mcgillsociety.org
magill at me.com
whmagill at gmail.com

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