[X4U] Product help...

Vince Lewis vplewis at mac.com
Wed Aug 4 07:04:57 PDT 2004

On Aug 4, 2004, at 2:34 AM, Stroller wrote:

> Hihi,
> I have seen a product advertised for playing MP3s on the home hi-fi. I 
> am sure it can connect to a shared iTunes library.
> It's NOT Airport Express, and has been around a while longer - it is a 
> unit which sits beside the stereo & which has a LED display for 
> displaying song titles & stuff, and so you can control which song is 
> being played without actually needing a Mac in your living room.
> I'm sure the manufacturer used to advertise regularly in the banners 
> at the top of VersionTracker.com, but repeatedly pressing refresh on 
> that site is not showing the advert I remember.
> Does anyone know what this is..? I could use a link to the 
> manufacturers' website.
> TIA,
> Stroller.

Is this it?

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