[X4U] Show-Hide Dock key stroke?

Andrew Swanson swansoac at uwec.edu
Tue Dec 7 10:06:28 PST 2004

On Dec 7, 2004, at 10:12 AM, Steve Self wrote:

> On my iMac G5 OSX 10.3.6, cmd+opt+D shows/hide the Dock. This is the 
> Duplicate command in Freehand MX... I want to change this behavior in 
> the dock, either switch the key-strokes or just eliminate that 
> keyboard alternative.
> Any suggestions from someone who has handled this type of issue before?
> Steve
This is another one of those things that is handled very nicely by 
Keyboard & Mouse System Preference Pane. In fact, you can easily just 
turn of the keyboard alternative for the Dock entirely in the Keyboard 
Shortcuts pane.


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