[X4U] Re: X4U choosing a browser for eudora

Joel M. Rath joelrath at mac.com
Wed Dec 15 04:35:53 PST 2004

At 4:40 PM -0800 12/13/04, bofus? <bofus at mindspring.com> wrote:
>	anyone here use eudora and know how to switch browsers when
>you click a url in an email? right now mine goes to safari and I want
>to switch it to firefox.
>	thanks in advance!

Hold down the Option key, and double-click on an active URL link in a 
message. You'll see a dialog box that asks you to select an 
application to do http (or whatever type of URL you are clicking). 
Browse through your hard drive to find your favorite web browser and 
double-click its application. Eudora will remember thereafter to use 
that web browser to open URL's. If, in the future, you want to change 
the web browser, just option-double-click on an active URL to get the 
dialog box again.

  With Eudora 6.0 on Mac OS 10.1 - 10.2.8, Eudora uses OS default 
browser (Set in the System Preferences) by default and that the 
option-click a URL method now only works if you have the following 
setting set (to 'y'):

<x-eudora-setting:360> When checked, Eudora will use its own URL 
helper lists instead of the system ones (OS X only).

If you are running Panther (10.3) you can set the default browser by 
launching Safari. Then go to Preferences->General->Default Web 
Browser and choose what you wish to use as the Default browser for 

To summarize:

  In Eudora you actually have BOTH options. You can either have Eudora 
use the OS defaults (which is the default Eudora behavior now) or you 
can have Eudora maintain its own list. To set Eudora to maintain its 
own list, use:

  <x-eudora-setting:360> When checked, Eudora will use its own url 
helper lists instead of the system ones (OS X only).

  Set this setting to 'y' and then use the option-command-click a URL 
to set the helper application for that type of URL. 
Option-command-clicking a URL when that setting is NOT set will do 

Joel M. Rath	http://www.rathconsulting.biz	Rath Consulting 
	Phone: 517-423-2472
Mac/PC/Linux Operating System & Application Support
AOL & Yahoo IM, iChat: joelrath

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