>From: Eugene <list-themacintoshguy at fsck.net> > >On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 09:40:29PM -0500, David R.Boag wrote: >: >: OK folks. My wireless router just died. I have dealt with being unable >: to print locally long enough. >: >: I have a G4 tower w/o an Airport card installed that is wired. I have a >: Dell Laptop that I had connected wirelessly to the network via 802.11b. >: I also have an HP LaserJet 1220 with a JetDirect print server wired in. >: >: I really have no need for an Airport base station, and I need more >: ports than the Airport Express has. So I'm going 3rd party. Anyone have >: a good suggestion? D-Link? Linksys? Netgear? > >I prefer Netgear over both Linksys and D-Link. Look for a more recent >product that supports WPA (even though it's been cracked, it's still >more secure than WEP). > >: I'd prefer being able to set it up using my Mac, but it's not >: ABSOLUTELY essential if the hardware and or service are better with one >: that can only be established initially with a PC. > >Today's home routers provide a web-based interface to configure it. > Eugene: Would you mind mentioning your top few reasons for preferring Netgear? Just curious... I have a new Linksys WRT54G ($60-$70 at COMPusa w/rebates) that has worked just fine for a month or so now. They claim "no mac support", but as Eugenne noted, it can be configured with any web browser; I have had no problems, configuring or otherwise. I suppose that you might have problems upgrading the firmware without a Windows box, but that is the only downside I can see if you are reasonably proficient technically. One thing I discovered about the Linksys: They use open-source firmware and there are third-party vendors who offer "improved" functionality; I haven't explored this much, but it looks kind of interesting. Google for "Linksys WRT54G firmware updates" to learn more. I think these third-party products can be applied without a windows box, although the Linksys factory firmware updates probably require a windows box. (Not absolutely sure about this however...) Richard