On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 05:19:04PM -0500, Richard Gilmore wrote: : Mike wrote: : > : > And for a LOT less than you would pay for a comparable Mac bundle. : > I paid over $200 more (education price) for my eMac with SuperDrive : > and I still would need to add hundreds of dollars worth of : > accessories to come close to the specs on this PC. : : It is frustrating. One of my PC friends has a very kick ass 64 bit AMD 2.x : Gig , 1 G of ram, machine that he built out of his previous P4 machine all : for about $400. I could never upgrade to a G5 for anything close to that. Apples and oranges. You can't compare between a machine that you assembled yourself vs. a prebuilt machine sold at retail prices. It is difficult to upgrade a Mac beyond a handful of components. So things like swapping the motherboard to take advantage of newer CPUs and faster RAM are out of the question. A fair comparison would be to buy a new machine from HP or Dell and compare their offerings with those from Apple. : > I'm just saying that I think Apple needs to do some stuff to market to the : > "other" 95%... Whether it's a low-cost Mac, a digital set-top box, or : > something else. Or maybe, as Judi suggested, Macs just aren't the main : > priority of Apple anymore. : : I agree Apple should do something. I hope Macs aren't sideline then we would : be stupid to keep supporting them. Apple can do two things. One, cut corners to drive hardware prices down. Two, add more features to help justify its premium prices. -- Eugene Lee http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/