[X4U] Installing an HD in an iMac???

Paul Hawkins h_paul at bellsouth.net
Wed Nov 3 00:15:46 PST 2004

>> Does anyone have instructions on how to install a hard drive in a 
>> slot-loading 400Mhz iMac??
>> Paul
>> _____
> It's fairly simple. You turn the computer upside down and remowe the 
> back/bottom of the cabinet.
> This gives you access to the inside. If you have worked with hardware 
> before, it is fairly evident  how to procede from there.
> If not, do a google search; you'll find several sites that will help.
> here's one:
> http://www.theimac.com/drive_steps.shtml
> As long as you procede carefully and remember where all thos screws 
> actually _came_ from, it should be o.k.
> The most important thing is the choice of harddisk; remember that a 
> large drive at 7200 rpm will generate more heat than a smaller 5400 
> rpm drive! We put a 120 Gb 7200 rpm drive in an old imac and 
> eventually had to replace it with a 5400 rpm unit, simple because the 
> drive became so hot it malfunctioned.

Actually, I'm not replacing a drive. I'm moving one person from a 
slower iMac to faster one. Instead of copying all her files and info to 
the newer iMac, I thought it would be faster to trade out the hard 

Thanx for all your help. I think I know what have to do now.


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