[X4U] sound output

Kansas Territory kansast at mac.com
Sat Nov 13 08:19:08 PST 2004

On Nov 13, 2004, at 10:09 AM, Gail Grainger wrote:

> I have Cambridge sound works speakers with a sub woofer running on a 
> dual
> 876PPC 4 with 786 MB of ram, with OS 10.3.6. About 7-10 days 
> ago--around
> when 10.3.6 came out, only my left speaker would work, now it is only 
> out
> of the computer. I tried unplugging and repluging all my cords--no 
> luck. I
> finally traded subwoofers from another computer--no luck. Any 
> suggestions?
> If this is my sound--and the sound does come out of the computer, what 
> am I
> looking at for repairs? I turn on my music 75% of the time I have my
> computer on. I did zap the pram.

maybe a dumb question. but did you check the sound settings in the 
Audio System Preferences control panel ?
I've heard of these settings getting screwed up before..   Seems I 
remember some issue where the Audio prefs would get set to left or 
right balance etc..


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