I have a MDD dual 1.25 GHz with 2 Gb RAM (1 Gb original Apple, other 1 Gb from Other World Computing) running OS X 10.3.6. The computer periodically "locks up" and requires a complete restart. TechTool Pro 4 does not detect bad RAM; Disk Utility, DiskWarrior 3.0.2 and Norton Disk Doctor 8.0.2 indicate no problems with the hard disks (IBM 120 Gb and two Maxtor 250 Gb in a mirrored RAID). Temperature Monitor 2.21 indicates a CPU temperature of 56.4-56.8°C. Is this hot enough to cause failure? The fan runs continually. I haven't found any information on Power PC processor temperatures. Apparently Intel and AMD processors develop problems around 60°C. Any thoughts would be appreciated.