Things are worse than I first reported. When I sent email to the OS X list, I could run applications other than the Finder from the dock. That's no longer the case, and when I log in as other users (sometimes during the less than a second the Finder is "up" before quitting it accepts the "Command-Shift-Q" keystroke combination to log out) the Finder quits for those other users, too. I've also discovered that I need DiskWarrior 3.0.2 to repair the directory in Panther. My guess is that this won't help, anyway. Since the problem is present for more than one user, and present with a Safe Boot, I'm wondering if the Finder itself is damaged. I can see the diretory of my G5 by mounting it as a server on my PowerBook's desktop (the computers are on an ethernet LAN). Is it possible to replace the Finder itself by copying a "good" Finder from another location? Would I be better off by doing an archive and install from my Panther CD-ROM? -- James S. Robertson