[X4U] Can't thrash it !

Xavier Noria fxn at hashref.com
Wed Nov 17 07:41:28 PST 2004

On Nov 17, 2004, at 3:53 PM, invicta wrote:

> A few days ago an icon appeared on my hard disk which I cannot thrash. 
> Have tried to open it with BBedit light. It opens but is empty. 
> Changed the name, used Thrash  It ! but it keeps coming back. It is 
> called BundleDebug.txt. Have reinstalled the OS 10.3.6 combo over the 
> existing one, no change. As it is rather irritating I,m asking for a 
> solution to kill it once and for all.

Do you have a scanner by any chance? I am not 100% sure this is 
relevant, but a search in Google for "BundleDebug.txt" gives a page 
that contains:

"Seems like the drivers for legacy flatbed scanners were at the bottom 
of manufacturers' lists for Mac OS X conversion. The wait was so long 
that many users just gave up hope. But over recent ... David Weiss is 
an Oakland, California based freelance writer ... and they will even 
create a log file in /BundleDebug.txt ... Mon Dec 23, 2002 4:01:03 PM 
US/Eastern ... "

That's a summary of an article at macdevcenter.com from the cache, the 
link is broken. The article seems to be this one:


but there the file is not mentioned. Maybe they cached a draft?

Does that ring any bell anyway?

-- fxn

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