[X4U] Re: Moving iTunes to drive 2-OT

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Thu Nov 25 08:44:54 PST 2004

At 11:32 -0500 11/25/04, Richard Gilmore wrote:
>What's a symbolic link? It's not an alias I'm guessing.

It's the UNIX version of an alias and it's quite different. A link file is really just text that is the name and path to a target file while an alias contains a unique number that identifies a targeted file even if it is moved or renamed. In Terminal or a BBEdit worksheet:

man ln

for more. Check out the -s option. the ln command can create hard links too and that's another story.

--> On the eighth day, about 6 kiloyears ago, the Lord realized that free will would make man ask what existed before the Creation. So He installed a few gigayears of history complete with a big bang and a fossilized record of evolution. <--

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