[X4U] "Un-minimize" window from keyboard

Jeff Winchester jeffw at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Nov 27 21:37:03 PST 2004

OK, I admit it. I wasn't always a Mac user. ;(

The good news is that I wasn't always a Windoze user, either. Through 
all the operating systems I've used, and through all the various 
desktop managers, GUIs, etc., I've become very attached to keystrokes, 
and very "detached" from the mouse. I don't want to reach for the mouse 
if I don't have to.

Now that I've seen The Light, most of OS X is pure and utter Nirvana. 
However, being a real keyboard junkie), I'm trying to keep my hands on 
the keyboard and away from the mouse whenever possible. One annoyance 
that I haven't found a way around yet in OS X is that once I've 
minimized a window (which I can easily do from the keyboard with 
Apple-M), there doesn't seem to be a way to "un-minimize" a window/app 
from the keyboard once I've Apple-Tabbed back to it. I suppose various 
apps may have a keystroke to refocus certain windows within their 
applications, but this would probably vary app to app. In the Gates OS, 
simply alt-tabbing back to an app will restore its windows, and I guess 
I've just become accustomed to that. OS/2 had keys specifically for 
minimize/maximize/restore (was it alt-f9 or something like that?), but 
I haven't seen this anywhere in OS X yet.

Am I missing something here? Is there a way to restore (un-minimize) an 
app from the keyboard?

Jeff Winchester
jeffw at tampabay.rr.com

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